Have Hedy automatically provide answers to questions
in progress
Sebastien (AETHER)
Maybe we could also activate a forced answer when starting a sentence with "Hedi" (Like sirri or alexia).
That would be especially useful when RAG is developped with more data and context, and also use Hedi to help lead a meeting
Sebastien R
Since this is now in development, I would suggest to make it an on/off feature from inside a session.
Dimiter Avtanski
Sebastien RTo me, an option to select a particular prompt (predefined or custom) "ON/OFF" would be great.
Tushar Parmar
This is a great feature to have for interviews.
Can we have a setup to reflect the meeting type as "Interviewee". And then have a toggle ON / OFF. ? Also a custom prompt will be helpful where we could this up as "Pointers".
anthony auci
That would be great.
Colin Miller
I think it would be distracting to get an answer for every question asked, maybe a button that gives an answer to the last question that was asked? I would like that for all the times I'm not listening and someone asks me a question �
Ricardo Ceja Jr
I just wanted to share that I do think this feature would be great to have for certain cases, and could be a big help. But in most cases, it would I feel distrupt the flow and our own judgement or direction since were the once directing the conversation typically. So yes it would be super cool, but as an "On and Off" toggle... option based on our cutom prompt & meeting type or specific scenario. Just a suggestion....
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Have Hedy automatically display answers to select prompts
Kenessary Tolembek
Have Hedy automatically display answers to select prompts like asking thought-provoking questions, or saying something smart/funny, or something empathetic to build quick rapport.
in progress
Ricardo Ceja Jr
I just wanted to share that I do think this feature would be great to have for certain cases, and would be a big help. But in most cases, it would I feel distrupt the flow and our own judgement or direction since were the once directing the conversation typically. So yes it would be super cool, but as an "On and Off" toggle... option based on our cutom prompt & meeting type or specific scenario. Just a suggestion....